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Are you a Village Weaver?
Village Weaver Training
The point of training yourself in Village Weaver skills is to make what you receive possible for others.
No one can become a Village Weaver for you.
More interestingly, no one can stop you serving as a Village Weaver.
After that, no one can stop you from giving Village Weaver Training to others.
The world is in great need of Radically Responsible Village Weavers.
How else can the Village be woven?
Next culture is powered by skillsets and values that modern culture knows nothing about.
Each person has a piece of the puzzle to contribute.
Village Weaver Training is a specialty of Possibilitator Training.
During Village Weaver Training you build skills for providing your services to next culture.
Village Weaver Training provides you with extraordinary tools, practices, and empowerment for healing, connection, intimacy, and groundedness. These are the starting point for a next culture Village Weaver.
What you learn here is what you can deliver to others. Village Weaver Training uses distinctions and processes from Possibility Management which is open code copyleft thoughtware.
The global Team of Village Weavers enhances the efforts of those building bridges to the initiation-centered cultures of archearchy - the human culture that naturally emerges after matriarchy and patriarchy have run their course.
A Village Weaver weaves healthy regenerative gameworlds.
- Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world.In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.- Margaret Mead
Reports from Village Weaver Training #1
Being a Village Weaver means intimate involvement in other people's lives so that you can answer specifically to the complex multidimensional needs that arise. This occupies a lot of RAM in a person's Being, as do the concerns of any of the other Possibilitator Specialties.
It would need to feed your Being to be so thoroughly occupied.
Every gameworld also depends on Village Weaving, making calls, going to meetings, moving busy people around to the places they belong in the gameworld. This empowers the individual as their potential comes alive as well as serving the gameworld.
This is not just a 'Green Brain' check-in sharing, or an Evolutionary taking people through their Emotional Healing Processes. It includes having a gameworld builder's overview of what does the gameworld need to fly and weaving human beings into healthy relational formations so that this happens.
Activating the ability for the villagers to be there for each other, meaning for listening, for a process, for possibilities, for connections, for resources, for 5 body foods by inviting others to invite people to other people's trainings or to be an apprentice or to collaborate.
This empowers the whole gameworld to bring two people's both research together and create a new quality of training. The Weaver provides bridges and bands to help people become intimately involved with each other.
How do you Village Weave so many people together? The multitude of subtle social interactions occupies a lot of social RAM.
Zombieism is created by separation or me over you. Bringing people into closer interdependence through exchange can cure Zombieism.
For example, the Emotional Healing Intensive depends on making the calls to weave the Village Team.
In masculine lead gameworlds does not often activate the collaborative connection that risks chaotic emotional messiness. There is stuff all around when you cook, a mess automatically gets made in the kitchen. You include cleaning up the mess. When people collaborate there will be Box to Box conflicts and Low Dramas and competition and status and Gremlin. Zombies heal when there are true Teams of Winning Happening. e.g. in Rage Club Spaceholder Trainings, we are going to deliver similar trainings and we are not going to compete with each other. It is truly inconceivable.
This way the Village Weaving commits to the gameworld rather than committing to single individuals who all have Parts, who all have a unique unpredictable Path, who all have Hidden Competing Commitments and Hidden Purposes.
Village Weaving to serve the gameworld itself rather than to satisfy the Child Contaminated Adult Ego State Green Brain Gremlin needs Adults with Decontaminated Adult Ego States, Centered, Grounded, Bubbled, and Sword Out. It is not the promotion of 'touchy-feely' mushy mixed Contexts so that Boxes feel comfortable.
There is this part of Research that is not practical, for example, Mage Training is a tremendous amount of Research, but who really became a Mage after the Mage Training? Whereas after the Rage Club Spaceholder Trainings many people became Rage Club Spaceholders.
Village Weavers (especially the female variety) may easily have concerns that other Specialties (especially the male variety) cannot even imagine. These concerns may be critical to the flyability of the gameworld.
Taking a Stand for the evolution of human consciousness, for the survival of the human species, can be like building an Ark and then nobody comes. Five people come, or five people send a message five minutes before the meeting starts saying, "I am not coming..." This is demotivating if your purpose is to try to change people.
Possibility Management provides thoughtware for next culture - archearchy. How many people truly get this? How can you wrap your mind around that? To provide next culture value well enough that you can quit your corporate job.
Where do the new Edgeworkers come from?
How can you know which Key you are?
By noticing which Treasures you unlock for others.
Preparation Experiments
All preparations are Experiments.
None of the Village Weaver Training Preparations below are optional.
Village Weaver Training is, however, optional.
The choice is up to you.
First Preparation: Earn Over 1000 Matrix Points in And Bring Others With You On Each Journey
Matrix Code VWTRAINI.01
Weave Space for Your Own Weekly 2 Hour Online-or-Offline Village Weaver Possibility Team
Matrix Code VWTRAINI.08
Make sure that any online Possibility Team you have it is listed at, and any offline Possibility Team you have is listed at
Include Rage Club Online or Offline In Your Village Weaving
Matrix Code VWTRAINI.09
Train up transformational warrioresses and warriors for building bridges to next culture - archearchy.
Make sure your Rage Club gets listed at by connecting with annechloe dot destremau at gmail dot com.
Participate In A Minimum of 10 Possibility Labs Delivered By Many Different PM Trainers
Matrix Code VWTRAINI.16
Frequently Asked Questions
... although, not frequently enough
1What is Village Weaver Training actually?
2Why is Village Weaving important?
3How do I know if I am a Village Weaver?
4What will I learn in Village Weaver Training?
5How is Village Weaver Training delivered?
6Where will I use my Village Weaving skills?
7Can I make money doing Village Weaving?
8What is Archearchy and next culture?
9What is Possibility Management?
10How can I deliver Village Weaver Trainings?
The Village Weaver makes everything different by ongoingly transforming herself.
Application to Village Weaver Training
The next Village Weaver Training begins Tuesday 16 March 2021.WHEN: 8 weeks, on Tuesdays, on March 16
@5-7.30pm GMT
@6-8.30pm CET
@9-11.30pm PST
@12-14.30pm EST
@6-8.30am NZT
The Training will then starts:- at 5pm GMT/ 6pm CET on March 16, and 23.- at 6pm GMT+1/ 7pm CET on March 30- at 7pm GMT+1/8pm CET from April 6
Village Weaver Training includes: eight 2h30 sessions + weekly challenges, experiments and support on the Village Weaver Telegram group + optional single coaching session with Ana Norambuena.
INVESTMENT: sliding scale 250-450 Euros, you choose the value you want to exchange.
PREREQUISITE: you have participated in an Expand The Box Training & you love Village Weaving.
LIMIT: 24 participants.
APPLICATION: If you think you qualify, you may apply here:
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code VWTRAINI.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!